
As part of the planning process for a Busking Permit there is a need to lodge notice with various authorities as early as possible.  Preliminary advice will ensure that those involved/participating are included in the early planning stages and that authorities can provide the best possible support and also enable Council to provide sufficient notice to its insurers.

This information must be completed prior to undertaking any Busking within the Narrandera Shire.



  • Sections denoted ** must be completed by all applicants
  • Do not leave any sections blank, if any of the sections do not apply please mark these N/A (not applicable)
  • Current Applicant Details
  • Performers Detail
  • Complete
Applicant details
Busking areas (please advise location)
Location Options:
Please mark Map supplied for your information & Council's reference

Figure 1 - East Street, Narrandera

Figure 1 - East Street, Narrandera

Figure 2 - Cadell Street, Narrandera

Figure 2 - Cadell Street, Narrandera
If so you must obtain permission of Narrandera Shire Council. 
Buskers may use battery-operated amplification without the permission of Narrandera Shire Council
(please supply description of performance & set up)

The Busker shall not Solicit funds (The act of asking, begging, seeking or requesting money or goods from members of the public).

BUSKERS MUST NOT USE DANGEROUS IMPLEMENTS or MATERIALS as part of their performance – Dangerous materials & implements are those that pose a risk or uncertain outcomes for people & include materials that give off any kind of heat or toxicity; Dangerous materials include flammable materials & chemicals, fireworks, smoke, flairs, heated elements; Dangerous implements include knives, spears, swords, spikes, sharp implements & any other implement that poses a threat of harm to any person.

All care should be taken to ensure that a clear walk way will be kept on the footpath at all times during the performance.  Once the performance has finished the area will be left clean with no rubbish left behind.

If under 18 parental consent must be obtained
Please select Proof of Identity
Do you have public liability insurance? (If so please provide in attachments)
By signing the Hiring Application/Permit for Hired Busking Area in Narrandera Shire Council applicants must agree to comply with conditions laid out in the Narrandera Shire Council’s Busking Policy (CS80)
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.