The Draft Narrandera Shire Active Transport Plan (ATP) has been placed on public exhibition following the June 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting. The plan was proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Narrandera Shire Council.

The development of the Active Transport Plan was in response to the Transport for NSW Active Transport Strategy 2022 which advocates for councils to adopt longer term ambitions (through the development of active transport plans) to guide planning, investment and priority actions for active transport across NSW, including regional and rural areas.

Mayor Cr. Neville Kschenka is inviting the community to provide feedback on the draft plan.

“Walking and cycling, otherwise referred to as active transport, is environmentally friendly and good for your health not to mention the social and economic benefits. To achieve a connected, safe and well used active transport network, we need a plan to make active transport part of our everyday routines” he said.

Council’s Road Safety Officer Elizabeth Mudford said “The ATP has taken into consideration extensive community consultation, including an online survey and community workshops in Barellan, Grong Grong and Narrandera.”

Incorporated into the draft ATP are a series of maps, showing the existing active transport network and additional facilities required to achieve a connected network, and concept designs of the top priority projects recommended. Once adopted the plan will be used to support applications for grant funding and to raise the profile of important projects.

The draft plan can be downloaded from Draft Active Transport Plan | Narrandera Shire Council ( while hard copies will be available for viewing at the Council Administration Office.

The community is encouraged to provide feedback to Council on the Draft Active Transport Plan via the following methods:

  • Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ online engagement portal at
  • In writing addressed to the General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700 or emailed to

The Draft Active Transport Plan will be on public exhibition until Thursday 3 August with submissions from the general public accepted up until 4.00pm on that day.