Levee Options for future prevention of flooding at Barellan township were presented to Barellan residents and interested parties at a meeting organised by Narrandera Shire Council and held in
the town Tuesday 19 November.
Council’s consultant, Julian Skipworth of Water Modelling Solutions gave the community an insight into the two levee options identified in the previous Flood Risk Management Study, as well as a third option which would need to be constructed on private land. The locations considered for the construction of levees were alignments along Kurrajong St - Box Street and Kurrajong - Barellan Cemetery Road. The presentation allowed residents to see how the options under consideration would protect the town based on design flood levels.
Feedback received at the meeting will be considered as part of the feasibility study to determine the preferred alignment. This will be communicated to the Barellan Flood Risk Management Committee in mid-December to enable a grant funding variation to be submitted to cover the survey and geotechnical investigation of the preferred alignment.
A draft report will be presented in March to the community and the Barellan Flood Risk Management committee to endorse the preferred option and to enable an application to be submitted in time for the next round of grant funding applications.
Council is undertaking the feasibility study through funding under the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Floodplain Management Program, which consists of four project stages:
- Flood Study – completed
- Flood plain risk-management study - completed
- Feasibility study - current
- Implementation
Should anyone require additional information they are invited to contact Mr Ian Draper at Narrandera Shire Council.