Boiled Water Alert Lifted

NSW Health has lifted the Boil Water Alert for Narrandera effective as of today 21 November 2022.

Since the alert came into effect on Thursday 10 November 2022, Narrandera Shire Council has worked with NSW Health to closely monitor water quality and conduct the required laboratory testing of samples drawn from the water supply.

NSW Health has confirmed the water no longer needs to be boiled. To ensure that the water remains safe, there will be slightly elevated chlorine levels within the system over the coming weeks. Rest assured these chlorine levels are well within the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Council would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding during the alert period.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Council’s Water and Wastewater Department on 02 6959 5510 or email .

Issued by the authority of the General Manager, George Cowan.