CEO of TOMRA/Cleanaway Mr James Dorney today addressed a business breakfast jointly promoted by Narrandera Shire Council and Narrandera Business Group.
Thirty four people enjoyed breakfast at the Narrandera Ex-Servicemen’s Club followed by the address from Mr Dorney.
Mr Dorney had been invited to Narrandera by Council to address the breakfast on TOMRA/Cleanaway’s administration of the highly successful Return and Earn Program across NSW and to discuss the imminent installation of a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) at a site in Red Hill Road adjacent to the main entrance to Narrandera Landfill.
Mayor Cr Neville Kschenka welcomed Mr Dorney and all guests to the breakfast and stated that he was delighted that Council had successfully negotiated with TOMRA/Cleanaway for the installation of a 40 foot - 4 point Reverse Vending Machine in Narrandera.
He said that Council is confident that the new RVM will provide an excellent opportunity for locals to obtain value from their empty cans and bottles and reduce the amount of container litter an unnecessary clogging of waste disposal facilities. The RVM will deliver vouchers that are redeemable at Narrandera Coles adding to the joint objective of Council and the Business Group to encourage people to shop locally.
Mr Dorney gave a detailed overview of the great success of the Return and Earn program to date and welcomed the opportunity for his joint venture companies to be able to provide an RVM for Narrandera.
He said that he looked forward to attending the Narrandera Show on Saturday where a joint display will be managed by TOMRA/Cleanaway and Council Personnel.
“The display will demonstrate the range of materials that can be deposited in the RVM to obtain vouchers and there will be a variety of promotional materials and giveaways available,” Mr Dorney said today.