Changes to Annual Rates

Residents of Narrandera Shire will begin receiving their annual rates instalment notice and may have questions regarding the changes to the amount levied. The changes to the amounts are influenced by two factors:

  1. Revised land values

Land values are the basis for determining rates charged. Revision of land values by the Valuer General saw significant variations to valuations which reflect in the changes to individual rates charged. Concerns over valuations should be directed to the Valuer General in accordance with the valuation notice provided earlier in the year by the Valuer General.

  1. Amendment to the rating structure

Council previously utilised a structure of Base and Minimum Charges in conjunction with an ad valorem rate. The revised structure uses only a minimum-charge and ad-valorem (rating dollar value). The minimum charge is now the same across all rating structures where previously there were seven (7) minimum charges.

Further amendments to the rating structure are anticipated as the NSW Government has indicated its support for recommendations made by the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal for rating structure reform. Council will revise the rating structure as amended legislation is enacted by the State Government. Changes to the rate structure does not increase the overall income Council receives from general purpose rates, this is determined by the rate pegging limit set by IPART.

If you would like information about the revised land values please contact the Valuer General’s office on 1800 110 038 or email