
Mayor Cr. Neville Kschenka will submit a report to the 16 May 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting recommending Council write to the Treasurer, the Minister for Emergency Services, the Minister for local Government and local State Member Hon Steph Cooke expressing Council’s strong opposition to the NSW Government’s last-minute decision to impose an enormous Emergency Services Levy (ESL) cost increase on councils for 2023/24. The scrapping of the ESL subsidy for councils comes at a time after Council has publicly advertised its Operational Plan and annual budget to the community.

Mayor Cr Neville Kschenka added “All councils strongly support a well-funded emergency services sector and the critical contribution of emergency services workers and volunteers. However, it is essential that these services be supported through an equitable, transparent, and sustainable funding model.”

For Narrandera Shire Council, the ESL increase and removal of the subsidy, amounts to $112,258 for 2023/24, bringing the total Council contribution to $362,196. This amounts to 57% of the expected increase in rate income for 2023/24. If the NSW Government’s decision is not reversed, the impacts on Council’s services, infrastructure maintenance and delivery include a reduction in Council’s Capital Works Program to fund the ESL.

The timing of this development is particularly challenging as it comes so late in the local government budgeting cycle, well after IPART’s rate determination for the coming financial year.