Drought Resilience Planning Workshops

Griffith City Council, Murrumbidgee Council, Leeton Shire Council, and Narrandera Shire Council have joined forces to develop a comprehensive Regional Drought Resilience Plan, following the receipt of $560,000 from the Australian Government through the Future Drought Fund. This initiative aims to proactively explore opportunities to mitigate and alleviate the impacts of drought across the Region.

Public input is crucial for the successful preparation of this plan. An online survey is now available here for community participation, and a series of local drop-in sessions and workshops will be held across all four shires from 1-5 July 2024 – see below schedule of events.

Monday, 1 July:

•    Darlington Point: Drop-in session at Darlington Point Sports Club – 5pm 7pm

Tuesday, 2 July:

•    Coleambally: Workshop at Muddy Ducks Tapas & Events – 8.30am-11.00am
•    Narrandera: Workshop at Narrandera Emergency Operations Centre – 5.30pm-8.00pm
•    Barellan: Workshop at Barellan Hall – 9am-11am

Wednesday, 3 July:

•    Leeton: Workshop at Leeton Hydro Hotel – 5pm-7.30pm

Thursday, 4 July:

•    Griffith: Workshop at Griffith City Council Foyer – 5.30pm-8pm

Friday, 5 July:

•    Griffith: Drop-in session at Griffith City Council Foyer – 8.30am-10.30am
•    Jerilderie: Drop-in session at Jerilderie Council Chambers – 1pm-2.30pm
•    Whitton: Drop-in session at Whitton Malt House – 8am-10am (free barista-made coffee will be available for attendees at the Whitton session)

Those unable to attend in person are encouraged to participate via the online survey linked above. 

Narrandera Shire Council Mayor Kschenka highlighted the significance of community involvement, expressing, "Having endured the severe effects of previous droughts and anticipating more in the future, we now have an opportunity to draw from our personal experiences to influence the plan and ensure our perspectives are fully integrated into this new drought strategy.”

“I encourage every community member to contribute their insights through the survey and by attending the workshops.”

“Your input is important in shaping a future where we are more resilient and well-prepared."