Give Feedback on Draft Budget and Strategic Documents
Give Feedback on Draft Budget and Strategic Documents

At the 19 April Council meeting, Council considered a number of strategic documents for exhibition purposes that relate to the 2022-2023 financial year.

These strategic documents include the Draft Community Strategic Plan titled ‘Our Narrandera Shire 2034’, the Draft Delivery Program, the Draft Operational Plan  also the proposed Long Term Financial Plan  incorporating the budget, proposed Capital Works budget as well as proposed Fees and Charges.

The draft 2022-2032 Budget proposes to simplify the current rating structure and consolidate the Residential and Business sub-categories for Barellan and Grong Grong into the respective Ordinary category. Due to small land values the majority of these properties were levied on the minimum rate in 2021-2022 and will remain on the minimum rate for 2022-2023. For the properties levied on the Ad-Valorum rate it will result in a decrease to the amount levied in 2022-2023. Property owners affected by the change in sub-category will receive a letter notifying them of the change.

These documents are now on exhibition from 9am Wednesday 20 April 2022 and can be viewed HERE or at Council’s Administration Centre at 141 East Street, Narrandera. Written submissions are invited and will be received until 4pm Wednesday 18 May 2022. Persons making submissions should note that all submissions will be provided to Councillors within the Ordinary business paper which is available to all members of the community. All comments should be addressed to the General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700.

George Cowan, General Manager.