Grong Grong steering committee

Round Two of the Drought Communities Program included a unique project concept – the Rural Assistance Program.

The Rural Assistance Program has involved Council working with community members to identify suitable community projects, with the aim of employing locals and delivering projects that directly support those in our community who have been most impacted by the drought.

For the Grong Grong community, this came to fruition in the shape of historical tourism signs strategically located at sites for visitors to enjoy and learn more about Grong Grong. 

Narrandera Shire Council’s Community Liaison Officer, Suzanne Litchfield, and Project Officer, Paul Knowd, have been working with Grong Grong community representatives Terry and Kerryn Cassidy - who primarily researched and put the content together, Nicole Ivanoff and Adam Conway, to develop the content and organise locals to carry out the work.

Local steel fabricator Adam Conway was the lead contractor who designed and fabricated the sign frames and stands, David Perram installed the signs, while Narrandera Signs printed and installed the signage panels.

This impressive outcome is a great example of Council and community working together to achieve a collective goal that enhances our Shire. 

The Rural Assistance Program assisted the communities of Grong Grong, Barellan and Sandigo to the amount of $150,000 through the Drought Communities Program is proudly funded by the Australian Government.