Narrandera High School Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program

Narrandera High School was one of 15 schools from across the region who participated in the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program held at Yanco last week.

Over 350 Year 11 students attended a series of practical and powerful workshops that provided students with the tools and strategies they need to make good choices from any seat in the car.

“Whether driving or travelling with friends every young person contributes to the safety of the road users around them - RYDA gives students the tools and strategies they need to make good choices from any seat in the car,” said Elizabeth Mudford, Narrandera Shire Council’s Road Safety Officer.

The Rotary Clubs of Leeton and Leeton Central continued their partnership with industry leader, Road Safety Education Limited (RSE) to bring the award-winning youth road safety program to Year 11 students. Narrandera and Leeton Shire Councils’ Road Safety Officers coordinated the program on their behalf.

RYDA was held over 4 days; each student attended for one school day to complete the program. The Rotary Club of Narrandera provided volunteers to assist on the day Narrandera High attended.

RYDA has been held at Yanco Agricultural Institute annually since 2008. Close to 5,000 students have attended the highly engaging and memorable one day program. This year students attended from schools in Narrandera, Leeton, Yanco, Griffith, Hay, Ardlethan, Ariah Park, Barellan, Coleambally, Hillston, Lockhart and Oaklands.

‘We are very excited to offer the program to local students and students from other areas of the Riverina with some students travelling several hours to attend our well organised event,” said Mr David Lang, Leeton Central Rotary Club.

“The support we have received from schools and the local communities has been phenomenal,” added Mr Bob Parsons, Leeton Rotary Club.

Locally RYDA is supported by NSW Police Force through Murrumbidgee Police District - Traffic and Highway Patrol Command and Youth Command; Narrandera, Leeton and Lockhart Shire Councils; Griffith and Wagga Wagga City Councils; Yanco Agricultural Institute, NSW Department of Primary Industries.