Noosh Farewell

After many years of service to the Shire, Narrandera Out Of School Hours (NOOSH) service will close on Friday 28 June 2019. This comes after the decision was made not renew the contract agreement by approved service providers Leeton Shire Council.

Mayor Cr Neville Kschenka said of the outcome, “This facility has been an important support for many families and Council appreciates the hard work that has been invested in establishing and continuing to provide this service over the years.

“Leeton Shire Council has partnered with Narrandera Shire Council to continue the operation of this valued service since 2012. Unfortunately without an approved provider the NOOSH service cannot remain open.”

“Council is continuing to investigate alternative options to provide out school hours care for families in Narrandera Shire,” Mayor Kschenka continued.

Families currently using NOOSH and all employees have been informed of the decision to close, providing time to make alternative plans for care.

In anticipation of the upcoming school holidays, Narrandera Shire Library is hosting a variety of activities for all young people to enjoy.