Fallen tree limbs in Midgeon Street Narrandera

Narrandera Shire Council is reminding people to be careful while out & about and near or under trees this summer.

Open Space and Recreation Manager Roger Evans has advised residents to take care, with the prolonged warm dry weather increasing the likelihood of "summer branch drop" (SBD) from mature trees.

Sudden branch drop is the tree’s response to a hot, dry environment where transpiration needs exceed vascular capabilities. When it gets too hot to keep all tissue properly circulated the tree responds with auto-amputation or letting go of a limb.

“SBD can occur on hot, calm days and evenings, typically during the summer and you may notice cracking or popping sounds just before a large limb falls to the ground,” Mr Evans said.

Narrandera Shire Council advises residents and visitors to:

  • Be aware when setting up a campsite, it may be dangerous to set up camp or park your car and picnic under trees as limbs can swing out beyond the canopy edge of a tree.
  • Take extra care in hot or windy weather or during severe weather events – these can be particularly dangerous.
  • Observe all warning signage.
  • Stay well away from trees that appear to be dead or have dead limbs.