Watermain Replacements Mitchell Street Narrandera

Council is preparing to undertake major works to replace the watermains along Mitchell Street, between Willans Street and May Street.

Works are scheduled to begin Wednesday 4 September until Friday 8 November 2019, from 7.30am to 4pm daily.

Residents are advised that there will be some disruption to the water supply for properties in the vicinity. Council will minimise the amount of disruption as much as possible.

Traffic control and safety signage will be stationed throughout the worksite and all members of the public are advised to take caution when in the area.

New watermains mean a more reliable water supply for businesses and residents in the area and will create a stronger network of watermains throughout Narrandera.

For more information about this project contact Council’s Water & Sewer Project Engineer; Nivi Poudel on 02 6959 5510 or email council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au .