
Economic Development Strategy

Our strategy for 2024 - 2028 guides the direction of Council and the focus of Council’s work by creating jobs, facilitating business growth and diversifying and growing the economy to improve the wealth and well-being of the community.

The Strategy is a blueprint for how Council will work with small business, industry, the community and all levels of government to drive diversified and sustainable economic development.

The strategy focuses on:

  1. Living and Working - Develop liveable communities that support resident attraction and workforce growth.
  2. Visiting - Encourage visitors to stay, play and spend in the Shire through increased destination awareness and improved visitor experiences.
  3. Business - Support a productive and engagement business community and workforce to facilitate industry development and growth, as well as expand the jobs base.
  4. Investment - Create an environment that is conducive to public and private investment to support a vibrant and growing economy.