20 Jan 2020
Narrandera Shire Council together with the Australia Day Committee is pleased to announce the Narrandera Shire Australia Day Award nominations. The committee received the following nominations for 2020 including:
15 Jan 2020
School zones will be back in force from Tuesday 28 January 2020 when teachers return to school. School zones operate from 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm on gazetted school days.
13 Jan 2020
Join Australia Day Ambassador, Matthew Levy OAM, at Narrandera Shire’s celebrations!
10 Jan 2020
The rejuvenation of Hankinson Park is nearing completion following a total overhaul of the garden.
09 Jan 2020
Narrandera Shire Council recently provided the opportunity for residents to complete their Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) qualification locally.
09 Jan 2020
Narrandera Shire Council is encouraging families, friends and neighbours to start a conversation about being aware of and prepared for seasonal hazards. The fire season started early this summer and we’ve already witnessed its devastating impacts in areas across Australia.
19 Dec 2019
The much anticipated Reverse Vending Machine project located at Council’s Waste Depot on Red Hill Road is proceeding well.
13 Dec 2019
Narrandera Shire Council has enlisted the services of Australian Aquatic Solutions to conduct aquatic vegetation harvesting in Lake Talbot. Harvesting is essential in managing the vegetation
12 Dec 2019
This spring the Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee have searched throughout the Shire to find the most impressive gardens. After much deliberation the following residences were selected for outstanding and highly commended awards: Outstanding Garden Award
12 Dec 2019
Narrandera Shire Council is thrilled to announce the NSW Government has committed $8 million to the development of the project Playground on the Murrumbidgee through the Regional Growth Fund.
09 Dec 2019
At the start of this week the road toll was at 332 lives lost on NSW roads. That is three more than the same time last year. That is 156 drivers, 63 motorcyclists, 56 passengers, 12 cyclists, and 45 pedestrians, whose families will grieve this Christmas.
04 Dec 2019
The Christmas and holiday season is traditionally a time of year when people add four-legged friends to their families. School holiday time means many people are home with time on their hands, but Council urges families to think about pets beyond the festive season.
04 Dec 2019
Residents of Narrandera, Leeton and surrounds are advised that weather permitting a controlled burn off of the Narrandera – Leeton Airport airside areas is scheduled to occur on Saturday 6 December 2019 between 4pm and 7pm.
03 Dec 2019
The mega tree is back and brighter than ever for this festive season, featuring a bright new star atop the tree. The lighting display will be on show each evening until 1 January 2020, with a repeating 30 minutes show with everyone’s favourite Christmas carols.
02 Dec 2019
Narrandera Shire Council is thrilled to announce the Youth Space at Narrandera Shire Library is now open to our young residents.