02 Dec 2019
Narrandera Shire Council is seeking ideas from the community for Round Two of the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Programme.
02 Dec 2019
A meeting of 10 health agencies active across the Narrandera area gathered at Council Chambers on Friday 29 November to discuss the shortages of Doctors in the Shire and the resultant difficulties in providing medical services at Narrandera Hospital.
26 Nov 2019
Levee Options for future prevention of flooding at Barellan township were presented to Barellan residents and interested parties at a meeting organised by Narrandera Shire Council and held in the town Tuesday 19 November.
25 Nov 2019
Narrandera Shire Council’s Mayor Neville Kschenka together with Member for CootamundrabSteph Cooke MP officially opened Lake Talbot Water Park’s two latest features on the Saturday.
21 Nov 2019
Narrandera Shire Council is delighted to announce the appointment of Shane Wilson to the role of Deputy General Manager Infrastructure.
11 Nov 2019
Fatigue is one of the three main causes of death and injury on our roads. From 2013 to 2017, more people in NSW died in fatigue-related crashes than drink driving crashes. In Narrandera Shire there were 19 fatigue crashes with two fatalities and 10 serious injuries.
08 Nov 2019
Narrandera Shire Council's draft Community Participation Plan for Planning is currently on public exhibition. The draft plan details when and how Council will engage with the community across the planning functions it performs under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
07 Nov 2019
Last night at the Australia Street Art Awards Narrandera Shire’s very first permanent outdoor artwork was awarded the prestigious title on Best Mega Mural 2019.
05 Nov 2019
Get ready for the biggest unveilings of the year - the Lake Talbot Water Park’s new epic slides and changerooms. Narrandera Shire Council together with lessee’s Troy and Dycinta Lee are inviting you to the Switch on Summer Fun day.
01 Nov 2019
Motorcyclists travelled to Narrandera from Wagga, Albury and Sydney on the last Saturday of Motorcycle Awareness Month, October, to attend a first aid course developed specifically for motorcyclists.
31 Oct 2019
As summer approaches, property owners are being encouraged to maintain yards, vacant blocks and nature strips to ensure they do not become overgrown.
29 Oct 2019
Narrandera Shire Council supported NRMA Safer Driving - Wagga Wagga to provide the Safer Drivers Course locally for the first time on Saturday 19 October. Previously Narrandera learner drivers would have to travel to Wagga Wagga or Griffith to complete the course.
21 Oct 2019
The winners of the Bike Week Colouring Competition received their certificates and prizes at Council Chambers on Monday. Narrandera Shire Council held the colouring competition for
18 Oct 2019
Narrandera Shire Australia Day Planning Committee invites nominations for Narrandera Shire’s 2020 Australia Day Awards. The awards enable the Shire community to pay tribute to someone who makes you proud to be an Australian.
17 Oct 2019
With many cereal crops being cut and baled for hay, Narrandera Shire Council is reminding residents of the importance of vehicle hygiene. Weeds and pests can easily be introduced into farms by machinery that has not been fully cleaned between properties.