23 Jun 2021
Council is working on a number of projects to improve the quality of water provided to residents of Narrandera and an important component of this is hydrant and mains flushing.
10 Jun 2021
Child restraints, correctly installed and used, keep our children safe. All children must be safely fastened in the correct child car seat for their age and size.
07 Jun 2021
Narrandera Shire Council is thrilled to be announced as winner of the 2021 NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Award, for ‘Asset and Project’ budget over $1.5 million and population under 100,000 for the Lake Talbot Water Park redevelopment.
07 Jun 2021
The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Australia Day Council of NSW are calling for nominations for the 2022 Australian of the Year Awards.
26 May 2021
Narrandera Shire Council advises that payment of the fourth instalment of the 2020-2021 rates and charges are due by 4pm Monday 31 May 2021.
17 May 2021
Road safety is a shared responsibility and this year during National Road Safety Week (16-23 May) everyone is encouraged to be involved, spread the word and consider what action they can take.
13 May 2021
National Road Safety Week 2021, held from 16 to 23 May, aims to raise awareness of the number of people that are killed or injured in road crashes, and provide an opportunity for people and organisations to actively commit to safeguarding the lives and healt
10 May 2021
Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) NSW are hosting a forum for Narrandera Shire Council on Saturday 15 May from 2pm to 5pm at Narrandera Golf Club, Racecourse Rd, Narrandera.
10 May 2021
The Murrumbidgee Trails Visitor Guide, a collaborative project between Narrandera, Leeton, Lockhart and Murrumbidgee Councils, has been named as a finalist in the NSW Local Government Excellence Awards in the Special Projects Category.
20 Apr 2021
Narrandera Shire Council is thrilled to announce seven new projects through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase Two totalling $819,975.
15 Apr 2021
Work to upgrade more than 750 streetlights to energy efficient technology will begin this week as part of a major energy efficiency project that will save hundreds of thousands in electricity bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the ratepayers of Narrandera Shire Council.
15 Apr 2021
The NSW Government’s $1,500 Small Business Fees and Charges Rebate can help small businesses, sole traders and not-for-profit organisations with the cost of government fees and charges.  
13 Apr 2021
Following the great success of October 2020’s bulky goods collection throughout Narrandera Shire, we are conducting the next collection.
13 Apr 2021
This past summer has seen record attendance at Lake Talbot Water Park has been like no other season.
12 Apr 2021
The next Local Government election will be held on Saturday, 4 September 2021.