2021 Local Government Election Information

The next Local Government election will be held on Saturday, 4 September 2021.

If you are passionate about what happens in our community and feel you would make a positive contribution to leading our Shire into the future, please consider becoming a councillor of Narrandera Shire.

For people considering becoming a candidate, now is the time to begin investigating what you need to do to successfully nominate/establish yourself as a legal candidate.

As a councillor, you become one of nine public representatives of our community to participate in and make important decisions that lead the direction of Council.

In this role you see firsthand, the actions and activities carried out by Council over the next three-year term, through projects, economic development, management of planning and development, waste, roads, water and sewer, public spaces, community activity and engagement, plus so much more!

If you would like to discuss what it means to be a councillor, please contact Council’s Administration office to arrange a meeting with General Manager, George Cowan, who welcomes all enquiries about being a councillor.

For more information regarding the Local Government Election visit Narrandera Shire Council Election