Following the great success of October 2020’s bulky goods collection throughout Narrandera Shire, we are conducting the next collection.
From Monday 3 May to Friday 7 May 2021, a kerbside collection will be carried out. Please place your items out at the kerbside no earlier than Saturday 1 May and no later than Sunday 2 May to ensure they are collected.
This collection includes Narrandera, Barellan, Binya and Grong Grong.
Items that may be placed in this collection include:
- Maximum 2 cubic metres, similar to a small box trailer
- Furniture
- Mattresses and bed bases
- Non-recyclable household items
- Rolled and tied up carpets up to 1.8m long (max 3 rolls)
- Empty hot water systems
- Whitegoods – with doors removed
- Metal
- Small items (must be larger than a toaster) should be placed out in unwanted bins/crates/boxes or neatly stacked for collection. Crates/tubs placed out cannot be returned.
Items which will not be collected include:
- Items over 1.8m long
- Heavy items that can’t be safely moved by two people
- Liquid or business waste
- E-waste, specifically TVs, computers
- Car parts, tyres, oils
- Sheet glass, mirrors, windows, glass tables
- Building material, including insulation, brick, rubble, kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, asbestos
- Hazardous waste, including smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, gas bottles, chemicals, paint, car batteries
- Vegetation, recyclable material, household garbage
- Polystyrene beads, put these in a strong plastic bag, expel the air and seal – (Instead, please place the bag in the green lidded bin)
- Small items like knives, forks and spoons. (Nothing smaller than a toaster)
To ensure another successful kerbside collection service while maintaining a safe and tidy streetscape, we ask residents of Narrandera Shire to please follow the above guidelines.
This service is restricted to residents with a current kerbside collection. For more information please contact Council on 02 6959 5510 or visit www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au.