
Narrandera Shire Australia Day Award Category Guidelines

Award Categories

  • Citizen of the Year                                                                           

Criteria:  For notable service to the community over a number of years

  • Young Citizen of the Year (aged between 16 and 24)         

Criteria:  For notable service to the community during the preceding year

  • Senior Citizen of the Year                                                 

Criteria:   For notable service to the community over a number of years

(A nomination for this category will not prevent consideration for the Citizen of the Year nomination)

  • Organisation of the Year                    

Criteria:  For outstanding service/achievement by an organisation (business, group, club or committee) to the community of the Narrandera Shire in the preceding year

Applications may be rejected if it is deemed that the information provided is inadequate, irrelevant or in direct contrast to the spirit of the Australia Day Awards.

Nominations will be forwarded to the Australia Day Planning Committee consisting of a panel of various representatives widely selected from the community who will assess the suitability and merits of each of the applications and make recommendations to Council on suggested recipients.

Council will then make the final decision on award recipients based on the information provided by the selection panel.

Award recipients are to be kept confidential until the presentation of the Narrandera Shire Australia Day Awards. All accepted nominees shall be invited to attend the official presentation function.

Recipients of these awards must be Narrandera Shire residents.

The information in this nomination form is being collected for the sole purpose of Council considering the nominee for a Narrandera Shire Australia Day Award and will be accessed by members of the selection panel. Council officers will require the information to progress any matters relating to the awards and will be included in the award citations. The award citations will be provided to media, may be published in newspapers and also on Council’s website and may be provided in response to inquiries from the Australia Day Council or other individuals or organisations.

The nomination forms and supporting information for unsuccessful nominees will be held within Council’s Records Management System.

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