Council develops a number of key plans and strategies to guide activities, these documents form a roadmap to address those future priorities and aspirations identified by the community through the consultation process.
Council has two key documents that need to be reviewed and developed by 30 June 2022 – the first document is the Community Strategic Plan and the second is the Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by a Council having a forward vision of at least 10 years into the future – the CSP is supported by the Delivery Program (DP) which is a four-year commitment by the Council, the CSP is also supported by the annual Operational Plan (OP) that identifies annual projects and actions to deliver against DP outcomes. Other key plans supporting the CSP include the Long-Term Financial Plan, Workforce Management Strategy, Asset Management Strategy and Plans, also the Disability Inclusion Action Plan and the Local Strategic Planning Statement.
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan works toward accessibility and inclusion for members of our community by developing positive attitudes and behaviours, creating liveable communities, supporting access to meaningful employment including leadership opportunities and improve access to mainstream services.
Although Council may lead the process in developing these strategic documents, consultation with the community is essential – to assist with the gathering of thoughts, comments and ideas from all sectors of the community Council has engaged Brendan Leary and Alicia Leary from Sea and Star Advisory to facilitate the consultation phase. Brendan and Alicia are independent of Council and at the end of the process they will collate the responses from the community and provide a report to Council which will be used to develop the key documents.
You can access the survey to contribute to the development of these plans at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DZ9JWZK
To view the current Community Strategic Plan and supporting documents also the current Disability Inclusion Action Plan, please navigate to: https://www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au/council/governance/council-plans
Additional information can be obtained by contacting Council’s Governance and Engagement Manager, Mr Craig Taylor who can be contacted by email council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au