Council Chambers

We understand that while the Council Administration Office is closed there may be some concern about our services during these unique times.

Council is still offering all essential services and have also amended services to suit these circumstances.

Narrandera Shire and Leeton Shire Councils have redeployed staff to continue our vital Community Transport services. This service currently offers clients assistance in collecting essential groceries from local supermarkets, green grocers, butchers and bakeries to deliver to their homes. 

Remember our local pharmacies are also making home deliveries to residents who require assistance.

Council is also supporting Meals on Wheels, assisting in the delivery of meals to our community members using the community transport vehicles when they are not required for transport.

Narrandera Shire Library continues to offer a Home Library Service to aged, disabled, chronically ill and vulnerable self-isolating clients, for more information please call our Library on 02 6959 5585.

If you are looking to pay an account the following alternative options you can use including paying by mail, direct debit, through Australia Post, B-Pay, online via DEFT or by telephone on 1300 30 10 90.

For more information or detailed instructions please call our customer service team on 02 6959 5510, email  or visit