Council’s strategic plans were finalised during the June Meeting, with five submissions made by constituents during the exhibition period for consideration of Council.
Projects continue to be a key area of focus for the 2022-23 financial year. The Capital Works Program has 126 projects identified to be carried out over the coming years. Projects include drainage and stormwater improvements in Narrandera. Works have already begun to resolve ongoing issues including drainage improvements at the Bolton and Charles Street intersection. A three-stage plan was also recently proposed and placed on public exhibition with a further report to go to the July Council Meeting.
The Lake Talbot ‘Skywalk’ has now progressed to the tender phase, with a report to be presented to the July Council meeting. The viewing platform is anticipated to be a major addition to our tourism offering for visitors and the community, together with the Destination and Discovery Hub where construction will begin shortly. Establishment of a new public waste delivery area and transfer station at the Narrandera Waste Depot will eliminate public access to the existing waste area, while the CCTV along East Street is to be upgraded.
Parks will also benefit, with an off-leash area next to Henry Mathieson Oval, an irrigation management system for Marie Bashir Park, as well as an inclusive spaces adventure playground and pump bike track. Other playgrounds will have remote signage and minor playground upgrades. Narrandera Sportsground will have the old clubrooms replaced with a spectator pavilion and seating.
In Barellan, the park playground equipment and the barbeque will be upgraded, while the café furniture at Barellan Pool will also be replaced. At Barellan Sportsground, the netball courts will be replaced with improved concrete-based courts, a spectator pavilion erected, and both the entry and a parking area sealed to improve driveability.
The furniture at Grong Grong Park is set to be upgraded, together with the Narrandera and Barellan cemeteries receiving new garden furniture for the communities to utilise.
Water improvements continue to be carried out, with $385,000 dedicated to watermain, hydrant and valve, and services replacements.
Council also resolved to adopt the 2022-23 Financial Year documents. The budget details each rating category to be set with a minimum rate of $500 and a fixed rate of cents in the dollar:
- $0.34872 for Farmland Ordinary
- $1.133 for Residential Ordinary
- $1.6897 for Residential Narrandera
- $1.9601 for Business Ordinary
- $2.389 for Business Narrandera
Any overdue rates will be charged an interest rate of 6.0% per annum (pa) for the period of 2022-23.
The total annual service charges cost for domestic and non-domestic waste collection is $224.20, recycling collection $85.10 and an availability charge of $52.90, while a bi-weekly non-domestic collection is $585.60.
Standard potable water access has increased from $305.50 to $308.60 with a levy of $1.18 per kilolitre continuing until 30 November 2022 and then increasing to $1.26 between 28 February and 31 May 2023 for general consumption.
The standard residential sewer access charges increase by 2.5% (or $18.80) to $771.30. The non-residential sewer usage charge increases by 2.82% (or $0.04) to $1.46 per kilolitre of estimated sewage discharged to the sewer.
Stormwater management service for residential and non-residential non-strata is set at $25 pa (capped at $425 for non-residential), while residential and non-residential strata is $12.50pa per assessment (capped at $425 for non-residential).
To view the comprehensive list of strategic documents, financial year documents and capital works program please visit narrandera.nsw.gov.au.