During September, venues across NSW will come alive as part of NSW Bike Week. This initiative, run by Transport for NSW and local communities, celebrates all things cycling and encourages the use of local cycling infrastructure for transport and recreation.
Bike Week runs from Saturday 21 September to Sunday 29 September with Narrandera Shire Council running a colouring competition for children in Kindergarten to Year 6 and a video competition for secondary students and youth up to 18 years old. Entry forms and details for both competitions are available from Council.
This year Narrandera’s free Bike Week event will be held on Sunday 29 September at Marie Bashir Park. Participants are asked to meet at the park near the Visitors Information Centre at 10.30am.
“The theme is “Bring out your bike Narrandera” and participants are encouraged to come along and ride on various shared path routes and enjoy our bike themed activities” said Elizabeth Mudford, Narrandera Shire Council’s Road Safety Officer.
A free helmet exchange will be available for riders swap their old helmet for a new one. Eurells Narrandera will be providing free bike maintenance checks.
“Anyone planning to participate is required to register on the day. Registration begins at 10.30am. There will be rides for all abilities and activities including the Lions Train and face painting,” Ms Mudford continued.
Registered participants will receive a free bike safety sample bag and a free sausage sizzle lunch cooked by Narrandera Lions Club.
For more information on the ‘Bring out your bike Narrandera’s event please contact Narrandera Shire Council’s Road Safety Officer on 0428 087 050.