Narrandera Shire Council has been successful in securing funding of $239,651 as part of the NSW Government’s Reconnecting Regional NSW - Community Events Program.
The events to receive funds through the Community Events Program and Narrandera Shire Council are:
- Narrandera Wellness Day by Soroptomists
- Bonanza for Narrandera by the Narrandera Business Group
- Family Fun Day in the Park by Lions Club
- Narrandera International Food Fair by CWA
- Narrandera Picnic Showcase Race Day by Narrandera Race Club
- A Bit of Country & BBQ
- Narrandera Rodeo by Narrandera Rodeo Committee
- Living Well Narrandera
- Koala Fest
- REA Horse Trials
Mayor Neville Kschenka was delighted Narrandera Shire received a dedicated allocation of funding from the Reconnecting Regional NSW-Community Events Program.
“Council made application to hold 10 events after receiving expressions of interest from a variety of community groups, and all 10 events were approved following an extensive application process.
"Two excellent events have already been held with great success - the Wagga REA Horse Trials and Narrandera Koala Fest.
"With eight more events scheduled between now and March 2023 there is sure to be lots of activity locally and great interest from around the region.
"It is great to see people heading back out and having a good time following the extended lockdowns, and I'm sure these events will be well supported," Mayor Kschenka said.
For further information on these events go to: www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au/events