Adverse Event Plan

Council is seeking community feedback on the Narrandera Shire Council Adverse Event Plan.

Local Government plays a critical role in community planning, capacity and resilience building and this plan provides guidance for Council in relation to recovery from adverse events that directly and indirectly affect Narrandera Shire Council and our community. It aims to provide a practical approach to how Council could undertake recovery tasks within its existing responsibilities from a range of adverse events which might affect the community. A recent example of such an event is the 2020 Bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic.

The document has been prepared by the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) in conjunction with Council, in response to the requirements of the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme.

To review the Adverse Event Plan and provide your feedback visit, to receive a copy contact Council on 02 6959 5510 or email

Submissions close 4pm Friday 15 January 2021.