Councillor Wesley Hall resigns from Council

Councillor Wesley Hall has resigned from his position as a Narrandera Shire Councillor, effective immediately.

After first being elected in 2008, Cr Hall served as Mayor from 15 September 2009 to 21 September 2010, continuing on as an elected member of Council until now. He has represented Narrandera Shire on many committees during his time on Council including the Wetlands Committee, the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, Barellan and Narrandera Floodplains Management Committees, Bettering Barellan Committee and the Murray Darling Association. He was also was heavily involved in lobbying for the Narrandera to Tocumwal Railway line through the Food Bowl Inland Rail Alliance.

Mayor Cr Neville Kschenka said, “On behalf of the Councillors and Narrandera Shire Council I would like to sincerely thank Cr Hall for eleven years of dedicated service to our community. I wish him all the very best in the future.”

With regard to the vacancy that has occurred Council will consider the available options, including applying to the Minister of Local Government for an exception from a bi-election as it has occurred within 18 months from the general election.