The Annual Koala Count will be held Sunday 8 September 2019 and Narrandera Shire Council is calling on volunteers of all ages to assist in the search for koalas.
The Koala Count is a free annual event held under the supervision of NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Griffith. It starts at 9.30am in the Narrandera Nature Reserve and finishes with a Narrandera Rotary Club gold coin donation sausage sizzle at 12.30pm.
Chairperson of the Narrandera Koala Regeneration Centre Committee, Kimberley Beattie said, “This year we are expecting over 200 volunteers to take part. It is our first year as a ticketed event and we encourage everyone to book your free tickets through the Eventbrite website www.eventbrite.com.au .”
“We have made ome small changes this year to increase the amount of information we gain from the count. The results will then be compared annually to help understand how the local koala population is developing over time. The changes include groups covering smaller areas in a structured manner and groups recording how many males, females and juveniles are spotted.
Volunteers need to be at the meeting point 500 metres beyond the entrance of the Narrandera Nature Reserve at 9.30am for a 10am start, wearing sun protection and sturdy shoes; sign posts will guide the public to a meeting point. Don’t forget, it’s a good idea to carry water.
The “count” is a great activity and attracts spotters from throughout the Riverina. Remember to be equipped with solid walking shoes, hat, water and sunscreen on what promises to be a fun day for all involved!
“The koala spotting day is a great day out for the whole family, which also allows for a check on the health of the flourishing colony and we are looking forward to seeing you all there,” said Ms Beattie.
For information contact the Visitor Information Centre on 02 6959 5545 or email council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au .