Troy Lee measures Cr Kschenka against new signage

Lake Talbot Water Park has new eye-catching signage and the large cartoon figure serves an important role.

The lifeguard is shown standing beside measurements that reflect the depth of the Olympic and Recreation pools.

"We know that up to 95% of visitors on a busy day will be from out of town," explained facility manager Troy Lee.

"Many who arrive are visibly impressed, a 'wow' factor that can see kids rush ahead to get into the water."

The signage provides a practical demonstration of the depths of both pools that will reinforce the numerical information, as well as serving as a backdrop in photographs.

This new distinctive feature will loom large when anyone uses a camera to capture Lake Talbot Water Park.

"Our social media is often wildly successful and we are aware of the opportunity to appear in newsfeeds, however we always want to make sure that visitors remember their time here," said Mr Lee.

It is hoped this visual branding will prompt photographs that jolt memories in years to come and the location is written in a friendly font to assist recognition.

The sign caught the eye of Narrandera Shire Mayor, Councillor Neville Kschenka, who also recognised Lake Talbot Water Park is an important asset for the town.

"Visitors sometimes travel long distances to enjoy this fantastic facility and we want to ensure they can return," said Cr Kschenka.

"The location is picturesque, nestled among the River Red Gums and the waters of Lake Talbot.

"I like that the sign is fun while presenting an important safety message."