At the Extraordinary meeting of Council held 28 April 2020, Council considered a number of strategic documents. Members of the community are advised that these documents are now on exhibition commencing Wednesday 29 April 2020.
Due to the current COVID-19 the documents are only on display at:
- Barellan Post Office – 108 Yapunyah Street, Barellan
- Binya Post Office – 33 Francis Street, Binya
- AGnVET – 42 Junee Street, Grong Grong
You can also view the documents here: Have Your Say
Written comments from the community in relation to the exhibition documents are invited and will be received up until 4pm Wednesday 27 May 2020.
Should you make a submission please be aware that your submission will be provided to Councillors and reviewed at the Extraordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 2 June 2020. All comments should be addressed to the General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera, NSW 2700.
In preparing the draft budget, Council has taken into account the current economic situation and the impacts of the COVID-19 management. The budget embodies:
- a continuation of current service levels and operations
- an ambitious capital works program amounting to over $23 million worth of projects
- CPI level increases in most fees charges and general rates
- an increase in the sewer rate of 10% or about $1.50 per week
- importantly for all residents Council will be utilising the new land values for rating purposes.