Annual Koala Count 2019

The 2019 annual Koala Count has been a huge success for the community, with 46 koalas spotted in the Narrandera Flora and Fauna Reserve on Sunday, including several back-young with their mothers.

There were many hands on-deck with over 240 people from all over the region joining the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and local volunteers, to search key areas of the Reserve.

Chair of the Narrandera Koala Regeneration Committee, Ms Kimberley Beattie said, “It was a record turn-out despite the cold morning and everyone was very enthusiastic. Seeing the baby koalas with their mothers was very exciting and a great indication that breeding is ongoing, which is a good sign of a healthy population.

“The information collected from the count will help with ongoing monitoring of how the koala colony is faring over time and contribute to conservation management decisions. Comparing this year’s numbers with previous years, the koala population seems to be doing fairly well numbers-wise.

“We would like to thank everyone who came along or helped out in some way, including the volunteers from Narrandera Rotary who provided a barbeque lunch for everyone on the day; the ongoing success of the event really is a testament to the Narrandera community.”