Site works are well underway at Narrandera’s Lake Talbot Tourist Park.
This project, which is part of the ‘Playground on the Murrumbidgee’, includes the levelling of 12 caravan sites that were previously sloping and difficult to use. Each of these easy access sites will now be level, allowing caravaners to seamlessly drive in and set up camp.
To undertake the work local contractors FM Rural, profiled each site to provide a level parking area, strengthening the surface with grass pavers and re-turfing the whole area. Replacement of the taps and sullage points clear of each site area was also carried out.
Also underway is the conversion of a redundant amenity block into two family sized units by local contractor PCR Builders who have commenced works. The new units will have two bedrooms and a kitchenette, dining and lounge area and will expand the accommodation options at the park.
Final design work is underway on a new amenity block and camp kitchen that will built in 2021, with a new playground included in the redevelopment.
The ‘Playground on Murrumbidgee’ projects are proudly funded by the NSW Government and Narrandera Shire Council.
For more information on this project and others included in the ‘Playground on the Murrumbidgee’ please visit our website www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au.