Lake Talbot Water Park Splash Park

We are thrilled to announce the staged opening for Lake Talbot Water Park. Following discussions with contractor Total Creations & Services, we have created a plan to open the facility in stages as pool areas, following delays due to COVID-19 and the border closure.

Stage one - 12 December 2020

The eastern part of the facility will open to the public including the BBQ’s, water slides, kiosk, top changerooms, Olympic and middle (Rampage) pools. 

Stage Two – 23 December 2020

The new splash park will become accessible for everyone to enjoy.

Stage Three – 22 January 2021

The final area on the western side of the facility will be opened including the toddler pool, bottom changerooms, plantroom roof area, bottom enabled gate, accessibility pathway and ramps.

The Total Creations & Services team have been working tirelessly over the past eight months. In that time both pools have been converted to wet-deck gutter systems which incorporates all new filtration pipework and fittings. The pools are solar heated with vacuum solar heating tubes fitted on top of a new large shade structure erected between the middle pool and splash park that also incorporates extensive seating.

The Olympic pool is now fitted with a tiled disabled ramp and stairs at the shallow end on the eastern side, which feeds onto a new raised shallow floor section for improved accessibility, and the middle (Rampage) pool floor has been completely replaced with a zero-entry point.

Welcoming locals and visitors we have new entrance signage and landscaping on the northern side to complement the southern works completed last year, while extensive retaining wall works are underway to replace the stone walls running along the carpark entrance driveways.

During stage one and two there will be limited disability access, being through the top entrance and involving some stairs, while only the top changerooms will be available for use. As access will be limited while construction continues, we are reviewing the gate admission and season pass prices.

In the meantime, now is an excellent time to take advantage of the Barellan Pool as the weather heats up.