Leaf collection in Narrandera

Our leaf collection truck has begun nice and early this autumn, with the seasonal turn in April allowing leaves to gradually drop for collection. 

Thank you to all residents who have raked and piled their leaves, placing them out for collection to occur successfully and efficiently. 

Council reminds residents to please follow these steps:

  1. Rake leaves into small piles in street gutters or easily accessible piles. 
  2. Only include leaves in the piles.
  3. Do not rake and pile leaves around the base of trees as this can injure the trees.
  4. Finally, please do not burn leaves.

Other materials, such as tree limbs, rocks and cans, can damage the machine, delaying the collection process, and may cause injury to the operator. Piles containing prunings, rocks, bricks, pieces of timber, etc will not be collected.

The leaf collection truck will conduct collections in specific areas daily, following the same sections as the street sweeper. To ensure all areas are covered weekly Council will not deviate from the map. This is subject to any variation that may be required due to mechanical failure, unacceptable weather conditions or inability to collect all leaves in that area on those days.