The latest cost shifting report by independent consultants Morrison Low on behalf of LGNSW for the 2021/2022 financial year (Attachment 1), showed $1.36 billion of expense has been passed on to councils to fund.
This is an increase of $540 million since the last report from the 2017/2018 financial year and represents lost services, lost opportunity and lost amenity for all our residents and businesses. On average, this represents an additional cost of $460.67 for every ratepayer across the state.
At its 8 February 2024 meeting, Narrandera Shire Council resolved that:
1. Council receive and note the findings of the LGNSW Cost Shifting report for the 2021/2022 financial year; and
2. A copy of the cost shifting report be placed on Council’s website so that our communities can access it; and
3. Council write to the Premier, the NSW Treasurer and the NSW Minister for Local Government seeking that they urgently seek to address these costs through a combination of regulatory reform, budgetary provision and appropriate funding. and
4. Provides a copy of these letters to our Local member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke MP.
A copy of the LGNSW Cost Shifting report for the 2021/2022 financial year is available here