The Narrandera and Carrathool Mobile Library service is an established, effective, outreach service that on a monthly timetable visits 21 fixed locations, is also used for Home Library visits to residents across both Shires and to provide services to aged care and retirement facilities. The Mobile library travels 1,210km per month carrying approximately 1200-1600 items on each run, with 656 people current members representing 16% of total library membership of both Shires. It is not viable for either Council to fund a static library service in our small towns and villages, yet these communities deserve equal access to the same high-quality resources and information services that are offered at static branches in the larger centres.
Narrandera Shire Council in partnership with Carrathool Shire applied for funding at the end of 2019 for the purchase and fit out of a new Mobile Library to provide Library services to the towns and villages within our Local Government Areas. Both Councils are members of the Western Riverina Library Service and since 1980 have collaboratively owned and delivered a Mobile Library Outreach service to our communities. The existing Mobile Library had not been updated for 22 years and its increasing age and operational issues prompted the libraries to survey residents located in the Mobile Library Service areas to ask their opinions on the future of the service. The responses indicated strong support for our Councils to continue to provide outreach library services to our wider Shire communities so a joint funding application for a grant of $196,000.00 was submitted. We were advised of the application’s success in 2020 however due to lockdowns the completion and delivery of the vehicle was seriously delayed as the cargo and Library area of the Pantech was being built and fitted out in Ballarat, Victoria.
The successful Library Infrastructure Grant has allowed the purchase and set up of a new Mobile Library, that provides traditional services as well as access to technology such as online catalogues. The design utilises environmentally sustainable concepts such as LED and natural lighting, insulation a shade awning and battery power for heating and cooling is included allowing the Mobile to operate at service points where power is not available. The new mobile gives us the ability to provide a service for our communities where they need it while also providing a much safer and more congenial workspace for our Mobile Staff and clients who can now, for the first time, enjoy the luxury of heating and cooling. The addition of a retractable awning also means that clients such as school groups have a sun safe place to gather when using the Mobile service.