Our priority is to ensure the safety of our community, customers and visitors as we follow the advice of the NSW Government.
All Council services will continue as usual with the exception of Community Transport. All non-essential services have been cancelled - essential shopping transport will continue. If you are unsure about a service you use please phone Community Transport on 02 6959 5510.
Please visit Council’s website narrandera.nsw.gov.au and follow Council’s Facebook page for all updates.
While there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Murrumbidgee Local Health District all public events will not go ahead to ensure the safety of our community. All non-essential gatherings of more than 500 people are suspended from Monday 16 March, 2020.
In Narrandera Shire these include:
- Narrandera Folk Festival - elements of the festival are cancelled, details will be confirmed by the organising committee
- Rod Run Cruisin' no Boozing and Shown 'n' Shine
- Youth Week activities
- Anzac Day ceremonies
- Council organised school holiday activities
- Library’s Lego for Littlies
If you are feeling unwell or show signs of illness please do not visit high person traffic areas or gatherings.
We understand our community's concern given the potential seriousness of the situation, and ask you to be fully informed and listen to evidence-based, real-time advice of health professionals and government officials.
For more information visit:
- NSW Health health.nsw.gov.au
- NSW Health Facebook page facebook.com/NewSouthWalesHealth/
- Federal Department of Health health.gov.au
Corona Virus
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, sore throat, dry cough and runny nose. Symptoms will generally appear 3-4 days after exposure to the virus but can be up to 14 days later.
If you are unsure and would like assistance call Health Direct 1800 022 222, where a nurse will triage you over the phone and advise as needed.
You can help reduce potential for transmission of the virus by:
- avoiding crowds and mass gatherings
- avoiding small gatherings in enclosed spaces
- keep a distance of 1.5 metres between themselves and other people
- avoiding shaking hands, hugging, or kissing other people
- avoiding visiting vulnerable people, such as those in aged care facilities or hospitals.
Smartraveller travel advice (smartraveller.gov.au) for all Australians travelling overseas has been upgraded to level 3 - ‘reconsider your need for overseas travel at this time.’
Regardless of your destination, age or health, if your overseas travel is not essential, you should consider carefully whether now is the right time.