
Notice to residents of:  Barellan, Binya, Grong Grong and Narrandera

Date(s) of pesticide use: 30 October 2023 – 29 March 2023 weather permitting.

Full name of pesticide product(s): Raze (Glyphosate), Glufosinate, Starane Advanced, Cutlass M, Metsulfuron Methyl, Garlon, Grazon extra,

The pest(s) being treated are: Spiny Burr Grass, Silverleaf Nightshade, St John’s Wort, Bathurst Burr, Briar, Khaki Weed, Caltrop, Ants, mosquitos and spiders

Where the pesticide(s) are being used: Roadsides, Council Land, Council Managed Crown Land, Public Amenities, BBQ Areas, Playgrounds, Cemeteries, Parks and Recreational areas, sporting venues and facilities, Lanes, Drains, Footpaths, Wetlands and reserves.

Re-entry period restrictions (if any): See Notification Signage if applicable

The pesticide is being applied by: Narrandera Shire Weed Spray operators

Pest controller contact number(s): 69595510

Note: Signage will be on spraying equipment and if applicable signs will be placed in areas which will be sprayed 48 hours to 1 week prior to spraying. Signs will detail pesticide/insecticide being used, what is being targeted, active constituents, date of application and withholding period. Signs will be present onsite at time of spraying.

Information about this notice: Under the NSW Pesticides Regulation 2017, residents in multiple occupancy residential complexes must be given notice when a licensed pest management technician (pest controller) uses pesticides to treat any common areas of the property.  A copy of a material safety data sheet for the pesticide(s) may be requested from the pest controller by any resident.