Someone holding a magnifying glass, inspecting fingerprints.

The NSW Legislative Assembly’s Committee on Law and Safety has launched a new inquiry into community safety in regional and rural communities. The inquiry will investigate the drivers of youth crime in the regions and explore actions the NSW Government can take to improve community safety. 

Narrandera Shire Council’s Mayor, Cr Neville Kschenka, has welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement of a new inquiry into community safety and urges community members to have their say.

“This is an important step in addressing the alarming levels of crime we’ve seen in rural, regional, and remote communities across NSW. We look forward to providing input and working with the Committee to find real solutions that improve safety and support for our residents”.

The Committee is accepting public submissions until 31 May 2024. 

To read the inquiry's terms of reference and make a submission, please visit the Committee's webpage.