Narrandera Shire Council, with consultants Spiire Group, has developed a concept design for Stage 1B of the Narrandera Business Centre Upgrade which is now on public exhibition for community feedback.
This project stage focuses on East Street between Bolton and Twynam Streets and provides an amended design that can be duplicated as desired to ensure that the entire streetscape, once complete, can be an attractive and inviting setting for all users.
With the assistance of grant funding through the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Phase 3 grant program and Council allocated funds for the project additional to existing reserve funds, a total project budget for this stage of $1,200,000 is available.
A community engagement session will be held 5pm Wednesday 10 May 2023 at the Emergency Operations Centre, 17 – 21 Twynam Street, Narrandera.
Any comments received will be considered and a further report presented to Council in June. After which Council will call for tenders of all external works and determine a timeline for the project with input from the successful contractor. Construction will be carried in a way so that interference to the local businesses and street users is minimised wherever practicable.
To view the designs and make a submission please visit the ‘Have Your Say’ on Council’s website www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au or you can review a hard copy of the plans at Council Chambers. The public exhibition period is for 28 days from 9am 24 April until 4pm 22 May 2023.