Skywalk Project to Proceed

At the May Ordinary Council Meeting, Council considered community submissions of support, objections and other, including a petition, for the proposed Lake Talbot Skywalk. Council voted to continue with the project following an extensive review of the submissions and direct conversations between councillors and members of the public.

In proceeding with the project, Council will ensure the use of appropriate materials and colours to minimise the visual impact on the natural surrounds. Interpretive signage at the entrance to the walkway and on the Skywalk will be included to highlight the features of the area and the history of Lake Talbot and its environs. Finally, the project will include installation of lighting and security cameras on the walkway and in the area.

In addition, the project will incorporate an upgrade to the stone stairs connecting Lake Talbot boat ramp and the Lake Talbot Water Park carpark, with a boardwalk and pontoon to be constructed along the lake’s edge west of the boat ramp.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to make a submission and provided input on this project.