Narrandera Connected at Tafe NSW CLC 2018

Small Business Month October is fast approaching and Narrandera Shire Council in conjunction with Narrandera Business Group is planning another big business event following the successful Narrandera Connected event held in October 2018.

NSW Small Business Month is dedicated to promoting and celebrating the success of small businesses and recognising the important role they play in the NSW economy and in their local communities. The main theme for the Narrandera Event will be Business Basics.

Narrandera Connected (2) is planned for Wednesday 23 October 2019 and is again to be held at the impressive TAFE NSW Connected Learning Centre in Narrandera.

The event will feature three very informative speakers and invited guests from the business sector in Narrandera Shire will enjoy canapes and drinks during the evening commencing at 6.30pm.

Speakers will include Mr Peter Charker, Head Teacher for Business (Leadership and Management) Cootamundra TAFE NSW who will speak on ‘Shifts in Expectations of Managers - What leadership looks like in today’s business.’

Also speaking is Ms Tracey Fletcher-Groenweg, Council Relationship Manager for Service NSW who will talk on Service NSW business services and the new Service NSW office in Narrandera.

The final speaker will be Mr Klaus Baumgartel, Regional Manager Southern for the NSW Industry Capability Network (ICN) who will talk about ICN services in the Riverina.

There is no cost for invited guests and Invitations will be forwarded to Narrandera Shire businesses closer to the event.

For more information contact Council’s Economic Development Manager, Peter Dale, on 02 6959 5510 or email .