At the 18 April Council meeting, Council considered the Strategic Asset Management Plan for
exhibition purposes.
The Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) defines the methodology to implement the
objectives and principles of the Asset Management Policy. It outlines the processes, resources,
structures, key risks, major issues, roles and responsibility necessary to improve Council’s asset
management capacity and projected resource requirements for each asset group over the next
ten years.
The previous Asset Management Strategy and associated Asset Management Plans were
developed and adopted by Council in 2012. The Integrated Planning & Reporting guidelines
issued by the Office of Local Government in September 2021 requires Council as part of the
Resourcing Strategy to prepare and adopt an Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Asset
Plans to support the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program.
This document is now on exhibition from 9am Wednesday 19 April 2023 and can be viewed on
Council’s website or at Council’s Administration Centre at 141 East Street, Narrandera. Written
submissions are invited and will be received until 4pm Wednesday 17 May 2023.