Wiradjuri Wall design

Construction of a new Wiradjuri Wall will commence in Narrandera’s Marie Bashir Park this February.

The design has been developed in consultation with Aboriginal Elders and the community, to develop a suitable replacement for the incomplete monument.

“This new wall will acknowledge the history and contributions of our First Nations,” said Councillor Neville Kschenka, Mayor of Narrandera Shire.

“One particular highlight will be the service in two world wars by the Lyons family, through the bravery of Tiger in the First World War and then his sons Tommy and William -- who were among the famous Rats of Tobruk in the Second World War.”

“Recognition was not always forthcoming at that time, which is one reason why this project is significant.”

“It’s a great step to acknowledge these stories that bring us together and present them to locals and visitors in the heart of our town.”

Dean Ingram was responsible for creation of concept designs and funding for the structure has largely been sourced from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund.