Habitat Planning has been engaged to prepare a Local Housing and Employment Zone Land Strategy for Narrandera Shire. The purpose of this Strategy is to analyse and review the housing and employment land needs for Narrandera Shire over the next 20 years and make appropriate recommendations to Council. While the outcome of this strategy does not implement zone changes it does act as a supporting document when submitting a Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning & Environment.
The document is available at Council Chambers, 141 East Street Narrandera or at Council’s website www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au Submissions close COB 25 November 2022.
Persons making submissions should be aware that their submissions may be the subject of an information request under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 – the GIPA Act. The Council will treat each request according to the provisions of the Act and Regulation. A submitter may request that the Council redact any identifying details from their submission before releasing that submission.
All submissions should be addressed to George Cowan, General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700 or emailed to council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au