Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993
Proposal to grant a licence to the Narrandera Imperial Football and Netball Club Incorporated for part of the new Clubroom and change rooms structure located at the Narrandera Sportsground
At the 9 December 2020 meeting of Council, Council resolved to commence the community consultation phase for the proposed issue of a licence agreement.
The proposed licence agreement is for the upper level of the new Clubrooms and change rooms structure and part of the lower level of the structure; the term of the proposed licence agreement is an initial 10 years with a single option for an additional 5 years – a total of 15 years inclusive of the single option.
Supporting documents relevant to the proposal are provided below and the community are encouraged to view these documents.
Written submissions in relation to the proposed granting of the licence are invited and will be received up until 4pm Friday 26 February 2021.
All written submissions should be addressed to:
The General Manager
Narrandera Shire Council
141 East Street
All email submissions should be titled SUBMISSION - PROPOSED LICENCE NARRANDERA SPORTSGROUND and sent to: council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au
“AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT SUBMISSIONS – All submissions received in response to this proposal will be managed in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 with all submissions to presented to Council in the open section of the Council business paper with only minor redactions made to submissions to remove contact details and signatures. It is necessary to include any submissions in the open section of the Council business paper so that Council is able to make an informed decision about the proposed licence and to ensure transparency in this matter. Any submissions received may be referred to the proposed Licensee for comment also any submissions received may be forwarded to the Office of Local Government also to the Minister for Local Government”.