Narrandera Rod Run 2025 Stallholder Application Form

Cruzin'No Boozing - Saturday 19 April

4.30pm to 9pm

East Street, Narrandera

Cost: $50 for food stall only.

Show'n'Shine - Sunday 20 April

9am Car Entrants

10am to 2pm Public

Narrandera Sportsground Narrandera

Cost: $30 for standard stalls (6m x 4m), $50 for food stalls or large stalls. 

To be a market/food stall, please submit the booking form and certificate of currency (public liability insurance) by 5pm, Friday, 28 February 2025.

The Street Rod Nationals was first held in Narrandera in 1973 making this year the 52nd year since the event. While the Nationals event moved to other towns and cities and found a permanent home in Canberra, there was a group who liked the atmosphere in Narrandera and were interested in creating a new event that would have a strong emphasis on families enjoying their cars. This new event became the Narrandera Rod Run and has been organised by the Earlies Street Rod and Custom Club, which is based in Melbourne. 

The 2025 event will be held from Friday, 18 April to Monday, 21 April 2025. The Show and Shine is taking bookings for both Food and Merchandise Stalls whereas the Cruisin'No Boozing evening is taking bookings for Food Stalls only. Please complete the details below to be considered for a site and we will be in touch regarding confirmation of your booking and payment arrangements. 


Please reserve the following stall type (please tick):
Please note: Marquees need to have sides/walls to protect food from contamination and direct sunlight. Marquees also need to be weighted down rather pegged. 
Will you be bringing a generator?
Please note: Narrandera Shire Council encourages you to be self-sufficient and supply your own generator as power is limited. If supplying your own generator, please ensure that the power is adequate for your stall's needs and you have enough fuel for the duration of the event. Please also ensure that generator noise and smoke emissions are minimal. 

Type of power

Number required

Additional Cost per unit


10 amp






Power is limited at the venue, all vendors are encouraged to use their own generator. 

Equipment at stall:

If yes, how many and when was it last tested?

Test date should be stamped on the cylinder.

If yes, please provide the type.
If yes, please provide the type and whether you have the relevant Material Data Safety Sheets.
This application must include evidence of a minimum $20 million public liability insurance cover. 
One file only.
1 GB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

The following section must be completed and signed by all exhibitors. Your application will not be accepted until this section is complete. If a section does not apply to you as an exhibitor, please write "N/A" in the appropriate space. Your site is an extension of your workplace and hence the same Occupational Health and Safety legislation issues apply.

Sign above