Our strategies outline the course of actions needed to achieve Council goals. 

Policies / Strategies

The purpose of this strategy is to raise awareness and educate residents on the importance of shopping locally and to encourage them to do so.

The primary focus of this strategy for the period of 2015 - 2017, is to continue to drive up community satisfaction by ensuring our residents are well informed about issues that matter to them and also to demonstrate value for money. It also advocates a cultural change to evidence based communications.

Our strategy for 2024 - 2028 guides the direction of Council and the focus of Council’s work by creating jobs, facilitating business growth and diversifying and growing the economy to improve the wealth and well-being of the community.

The Strategy is a blueprint for how Council will work with small business, industry, the community and all levels of government to drive diversified and sustainable economic development.

The strategy focuses on:

  1. Living and Working - Develop liveable communities that support resident attraction and workforce growth.
  2. Visiting - Encourage visitors to stay, play and spend in the Shire through increased destination awareness and improved visitor experiences.
  3. Business - Support a productive and engagement business community and workforce to facilitate industry development and growth, as well as expand the jobs base.
  4. Investment - Create an environment that is conducive to public and private investment to support a vibrant and growing economy. 

The purpose of this strategy is to assist Narrandera Shire Council to deliver efficient and effective programs and services to enable the responsibilities of Council and support its compliance requirements for the period of 2014 -2019.

The Narrandera Arts and Community Centre Strategic Plan provides for a vision and mission for the development and use of the Narrandera Arts Centre as a venue with the capacity to host a broad variety of artistic and cultural pursuits. 

The purpose of this strategy is to provide a sustainable strategic direction for the period of 2016-2020, for Narrandera Shire Council to meet the needs of its older residents through effective use of its own resources and by working in partnership with others.
